Wo! Two Jewlicious related stories have appeared in the Jewish press recently and we’re flattered. The first was an article profiling our Hero, Rabbi Yonah, who has just relocated to Los Angeles where he is now heading up JConnectLA. The Jewish Journal of Los Angeles wrote of Rabbi Yonah:

Rabbi Yonah Bookstein knows how to excite Jewish youth. He’s been the guiding light behind the annual Jewlicious Festivals in Long Beach, which bring together youth from all denominations to celebrate their spirituality with raucous concerts mixed with some serious learning; he’s been a highly popular campus rabbi at Cal State University Long Beach Hillel, and now, he’s just moved to Los Angeles to head up JconnectLA, which presents social events for young Jews. Bookstein (or Rabbi Yo, as he’s known to his followers) and his wife Rachel have also worked hard on behalf of Jews living in Poland. He talked with The Journal recently about what being a rabbi at JconnectLA means to him.

The other article was published in the Baltimore Jewish Times, titled “How Social Networking Impacts the Jewish Community,” where, for some odd reason, I was interviewed for my thoughts on Jewish social Networking:

“Much of the extra-organizational innovation you see in the Jewish world has been made possible by the Internet,” says David Abitbol, founder of the Web’s most popular Jewish blog, Jewlicious.com, where posts by Jewish bloggers quickly become vibrant conversations connecting Jews all around the world. “The Internet has made it easier for Jews to find each other. Jewlicious [especially the Festival] itself would not have existed before the Internet.”

As a “community” our social networking prowess is second to none of course. Rabbi Yonah is kicking serious butt over at Jewish Community Heroes contest with more than twice the number of votes of his nearest rival. That’s a reflection of how much he has managed to inspire a generation of jacked in, technologically adept young Jews. Take note Jewish Foundations! Me? I’m just hangin’ in for the ride!

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Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.