We knew it and now the rest of the world does, too. Well, almost. As ck already noted, our own Rabbi Yonah takes the title of “game changer” in the 2009 Forward 50. Mazal tov, Rabbi Yonah.

But now that we’ve got the full report from the Forward, we can add video to the announcement! This list of leaders, innovators and gangstas (???) includes the man who reportedly “donned fake peyes to perform alongside the character puppet made famous by ‘The Tonight Show’ — Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog — at this year’s Chabad Telethon.”

Fake peyes? Who ever said they were fake?!

And if that weren’t glory enough, Rabbi Yonah’s search to replace a busted sedan was also covered this past calendar year on Vanity Fair’s Web site. Not once, but twice.

“If we are supposed to honor Torah scholars,” he told the site’s columnist, “then we should honor them with nice wheels, right?” Right!

You can read about all the Forward 50 here and a few words about Rabbi Yonah’s other achievements, which are actually much more significant than those described above. Mazal tov again to Rabbi Yonah and his 49 comrades, including G-dcast Queen Sarah Lefton, presenter at Jewlicious 2009 and uh, Bernard Madoff… what’s he doing there?!

Lisa Klug
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Lisa Klug

Wordie. Foodie. Jewie. Nerdie. Ashkefardic keyboard addict. Visit me at lisaklug.com, on my travels and in the pages of my books, "Hot Mamalah: The Ultimate Guide for Every Woman of the Tribe," and "Cool Jew: The Ultimate Guide for Every Member of the Tribe."