Let's help them out...
Last year we launched Save Passover, a campaign of informal giving aimed at helping impoverished Jews out during Passover. I know for most of you, Passover is a time of family gatherings and abundance. But for others, especially many of my Jerusalem neighbors in Nachlaot and the Shuk neighborhoods, Passover is a time of stress as resources are stretched to their limits. I’ve been trying to do my part to help a number of families get through Passover proudly and with joy. I’m asking the members of the Jewlicious community, as it were, to donate funds which will be used to purchase Matza and maybe even some wine to help out local families who could use the assistance.
See, it’s a big scam. I pretend I have way more Matza and Kosher for Passover food than I need and ask them to help me out by taking it off my hands. I tell them that over zealous relatives have showered me with an abundance of this stuff that has thus become a nuisance, is taking up space and won’t otherwise be consumed. It’s a good trick and worked great last year. No one was the wiser and we all got together and thanks to our individual modest contributions, managed to help out a good number of families. So… if you want to help, and I know it’s cliched, but no donation is too small, click on the link below which will allow you to make a donation using your credit card or PayPal account.
Alternatively, if you need a tax invoice and you’re in Canada, the UK or the US, or in addition, because you’re not into informal type grass rootsy things, you may want to make a donation to Leket (formerly known as Table to Table), Israel’s national food bank, by clicking here. Either way, whatever you can do to help would be greatly appreciated. Have a great Passover people!
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