In the latest installment of the DealBook’s animated series, a protester from Occupy Wall Street confronts Lloyd C. Blankfein, the chief of Goldman Sachs. This is dedicated to CK and THE MIDDLE.
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In the latest installment of the DealBook’s animated series, a protester from Occupy Wall Street confronts Lloyd C. Blankfein, the chief of Goldman Sachs. This is dedicated to CK and THE MIDDLE.
For something meaningful and funny:
It’s really pretty amusing. I’d never thought I’d see the day that US Americans would voice political opinions left of European mainstream parties. (Over here, they at least acknowledge their own role in the global economy.)
Well, people are born ignorant and emotional but then learn, develop critical thinking skills, and logic. Hence why most start out as liberals and mature into conservatives. 🙂
DId kind of look the Abbas, but way too eloquent.
Wasn’t that Mahmoud Abbas dressed up as Ghandi?