Someone read the letter you wrote me on the Chareidio…and it told the world just how you felt–about your four kids pounding on the bathroom door before Shabbes, and how they try to get to the shower before the hot water runs out; about “the men in black protecting Jews everywhere from alien influences”; about the nefarious plot of the Israeli government to chase them from their homes, to deport all romanian cleaning ladies while layers of dirt and Cheerios form impromptu snack bars for ambitious house rodents (ok, that last one’s a Purim edition).
Chareidio. Meeting all of your Chareidi reidio radio needs since 2006.
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Taltman, what are you talking about?
My safta in Israel is from Bucharest, and she has a Romanian house servant helping her get along. A very nice woman and I’m very grateful that she’s there to help my safta out in her old age.
Maybe they access the Internet with a shinui.
Nope, nothing to do with the painkillers. That was horrid. And how does this work if haredim aren’t allowed to go on the internet?
great intro, but then he has a bit of a droll voice, and I started to doze off, but then this could be the pain killers that I am taking for my back, so I should tune in again in the AM after a nice strong coffee.
Thanks Esther for the lead.