zoo entranceWhen Katyushas fly in the north, and you feel like there’s nothing you can do, there’s only one thing to do. Take your adorable little cousins and go to the Tisch Jerusalem Zoo, where they seem to have every animal you could imagine, in big, mostly outdoor cages that actually don’t look a whole lot like cages.

Located in the rolling hills of Malha, known primarily for its Kanyon (mall) and the technology district (where my brother used to work), penguins and tigers and bears (oh my) share space with elephants and monkeys and birds. Except not literally, because they’re not equipped to live peacefully with each other no matter what The Lion King, Ice Age and bearMadagascar would have us believe. (Stupid animated movies with no basis in reality…)

Yes, that’s right–these bears were pretty darned close. This is without the zoom lens on my camera, and you’ll note the absence of bars or netting. I certainly did.
And despite the above post title, there were no dinosaurs at the Zoo. Jews, however, were in abundance. Go figure. elephant

And now, a picture of an elephant. That’s “pachyderm,” not “phylactoderm.” I’m not sure “phylactoderm” is a word, but if it is, best guess is that it means “someone who wears tefilin (phylacteries) on one’s skin.”

Esther Kustanowitz

About the author

Esther Kustanowitz

For more posts by Esther, see EstherK.com, MyUrbanKvetch.com and JDatersAnonymous.com.


  • We did visit the zoo on that day and we had a wonderful time. Yes, we did experience the Glory of God observing the animals, birds and plant life in a very natural setting. It is very commendable for the zoo to be at the cutting age of conservation and protecting animals on the verge of extinction.
    We are from Ireland and we love this place and the people. we hope to continue our stay for at least another year as we want to stand with you for such a time as this.

    Bail ó Dhia ort

  • You have inspired me to visit Jerusalem zoo today. Life does go on and God’s creatures bring His glory to everyone who will see it.

  • Estherke is on the mainstream now, Prime time city dont\’ u know.

    Dude, they should have Laya on the CNN they has some girl there who was OK, what with the Irish style chimes accent, but Laya wuld have been better.

    Contact me off line, I can get her on CNN.

    [Ed. stop using names]