51 birch street

51 Birch Street, the story of a Jewish family who bought into the suburban American dream as told after the mother’s death is getting critical acclaim around the globe. In addition to being shown at various Jewish and regular film festivals in the US, Israel and Europe, it has also gotten picked up by the Al Jazeera Film Festival in Qatar.

The NYTimes reports “An acquisitions agent for Al Jazeera, the Arab news network, fell in love with the film after seeing it last July at the Britdoc festival, and has been trying to make a deal for rights. Israeli television has already bought it, as have outlets in 20 other countries, and HBO, which produced it, will show it next year.”

Anyway, the film looks interesting, find screenings near you here.

Now – 5 points if you can name another Jewish themed movie that played at an Arab or Muslim Film Festival.

About the author

Laya Millman


  • I think I can beat:

    “A Jewish Movie and an Arab Film Festival walk into a bar…”

    A Jew, a Hindu and a Muslim walk into a shul…

    And it’s true!

    My wife (Hindu) and I (Jewish) went to the shul to get our wedding papers officiated by the rabbi and our witness is Muslim. I know I don’t get five points for that but just had to post a comment.

  • Dustin Diamond’s (we all knew Screech was a nebbishy Jew} Dirty Sanchez sex tape will be a new low (high?) for self-hating, 3rd generation Hollywood mogul wannabe’s writing such schlock as “The Class.” Maybe he’ll get a guest shot on Entourage. Dustin go put on the tefillin and pray this is your 15 minutes of E. coli-like fame…then go away you shameless pathetic freak. Howard Stern wipes his butt with your image! see link:
