Choose atheism! Come on! You know you want to…

But belief is like, awesome. And you can still be a logical person even if you have faith.

If you’re anything like the staff of Jewlicious, you’re conflicted. You might even have moments in which you’re an atheist, a true believer, a geek, a jock, a princess, a basket case, and a criminal. (OK, so those last five might have been Shermer High residue.)
But seriously…now Beliefnet adds to the list of neologisms incorporating the amphibious sounding word we know and love–blog–with what it terms as “an extraordinary ‘blogalogue’ about God, faith, and religious violence,” and featuring best-selling author Sam Harris, author of the controversial books “The End of Faith” and “Letter to a Christian Nation,”  and “Uberblogger Andrew Sullivan,” pro-religion author of “The Conservative Soul.” Harris explains why he’s an atheist and why religion, to him, is the force most to blame for tragedies like 9/11. And then Sullivan responds to Harris’ Beliefnet posts on his own blog—countering that faith and reason aren’t mutually exclusive.

Now this sounds like the best kind of dialogue–one where the two people don’t even have to be in the same room with each other. That’s why it’s a “blogalogue.”

So what if I blog the blogalogue? Does that make it a blogalogueblog? Or a blogablog? Or maybe if I blog it as I read it, it’s a blogalogue-along?

Esther Kustanowitz

About the author

Esther Kustanowitz

For more posts by Esther, see, and


  • Harris made a fool out of Prager on another website. My God, it was worse than the Dershowitz/Finkelstein video.

    If you’re going to challenge someone on the internet, get your facts straight!!!

  • Blogalogue can be among several people, as a dialogue is not only between two people but between groups. So if you join the discussion, it still blogalogue, at least according to the OED.

  • Esther, I’m not sure what it would be called….let’s ask Bob Loblaw. I think he has a blog too, it’s called Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog, can’t remember the URL. 🙂