Even Muffti thinks they have gone too far – publishing advice from Dan Quayle to Sarah Palin? It’s like trying to develop a personal relationship with God and getting advice from the Muffti! We’re just one step away from Biden telling her that she in no Jack Kennedy.

From TheIndyChannel (But by way of CNN).

For former Vice President Dan Quayle, the 2008 presidential campaign is like a flashback to his entry into national politics in 1988.

Quayle, a relatively unknown senator from Indiana before he was chosen to run with President George H.W. Bush, said in Indianapolis Wednesday that the treatment Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is receiving as John McCain’s VP choice reminds him of his treatment 20 years ago.

Quayle said he thinks Palin has handled herself well in spite of a torrent of criticism of her experience and her responses during interviews. Quayle said he offered Palin advice on how to deal with the spotlight.

“I basically said, ‘Look, just be yourself. You were selected by John McCain because of who you are and what you have done,'” Quayle said. “Don’t let them take anything away from you. Just go out and be yourself.”

Quayle said he thinks voters will ultimately make their choice based on their opinions of McCain and Barack Obama, not the vice presidential candidates.

Quayle was in Indianapolis campaigning for former aide Greg Zoeller, the Republican candidate for Indiana attorney general.

[Then again, both say barely coherent things when put on the spot (‘You take the United Negro College Fund model that what a waste it is to lose one’s mind or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is’), both are liabilities to the leader of their ticket and both have been the subject of ridicule, even by people from their own base. ]

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