Fast Food Death

Fast Food Death

Scienceline has written a report on a new study that shows that eating dairy products and red meat can kill you.

The study suggests that red meat and dairy products contain a molecule that humans don’t naturally produce called Neu5Gc. Human cells absorb this compound, and over time the body produces antibodies against it. After years of ingesting milk and meat, constant antibody production may trigger a mild, but continuous inflammatory immune response. This kind of chronic inflammation has long been linked to cancer.

Ajit Varki, who helped design the study, is not himself a vegetarian, but he stated that he avoids Neu5GC by consuming as little lamb, pork, beef and milk as possible. Now of course there’s plenty of Kosher red meat and loads of Kosher dairy products, but at least Kosher keeping Jews don’t eat Pork and do not habitually mix meat and dairy – so maybe treif (non-kosher food) does indeed kill? In any case, keeping kosher is an article of faith and scientific studies are unnecessary for those who believe – but would it kill you to cut down on your meat consumption? Maintain a Kosher diet? Or just give up on meat entirely?

Talk about food for thought, huh?

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Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.


  • *so I usually just eat vegetarian.

    I need to start reading my posts before submitting!

  • Interesting.

    Is it true that all meat in Israel is kosher? Are all restaurants kosher as well?

    Its very hard to keep kosher in Glasgow, so I usually just eat usually.

  • That’s really interesting!

    I don’t keep kosher, but a year ago I started dropping red meant & milk meals from my lifestyle because when I thought long and hard about it, I thought it was gross. I’m still tempted by poultry and milk all the time…I’m glad that combination doesn’t result in the dangerous compound.

  • Kosher food is awesome! I love it. When I last visited Ireland, I could not meat any meat because it was not kosher.

    I met a guy in an Isreali restaurant in COrduff in Dublin(think he name was Yentl…or at least thats what he told me) and he said the best Kosher food is in America. I’ve never been. But I want to go and visit a Jewish restaurant in NYC!

    YOSSI BENAYOUN for president! 🙂

  • I’m not sure what Yoni’s asking either, but what he may be getting at is, is a Dairy Queen special wrong because it’s forbidden, or forbidden because it’s wrong?

  • It is my faith in God and the laws passed down to the Jews that makes me keep Kosher. I don’t see what the issue is?

  • CK,

    What does faith and keeping kosher have to do with each other? is it your faith in God or your adherence to Jewish law which makes you keep kosher? or is it faith which makes you adhere?