“…Elazar, occupied with destroying the elephants, became mired in their dung, and...
Author - grandmuffti
And Now For Some Holocaust Humour
According to South Park, tragedies take 22.3 years before jokes about them are funny. These...
And For Our Jewishly Challenged Friends…
Merry Christmas to our Christian readers (and again on January 7th for the Orthodox, in case Muffti...
Muffti hates it When Countries Full of Religious Nuts have...
Like, say, the United States of America. A Harris poll shows that around 47% of Americans believe...
The 18
Taking their inspiration from the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, a group calling themselves the 18 calls...
Valley Drawings Discovered at Jewcy and the Forward
Eli Valley makes you laugh, roll your eyes or get a little angry with his cartoons. Again.