Working for a blog does come with perks! Muffti just got this email: Dearest Dear. My name is...
Author - grandmuffti
A Great Quote
…even if it’s not particularly Jewlicious. One can have a reasonable fight over the...
Who Doesn’t Love This Ridiculous Analogy?
Avigdor Lieberman goes all the way to crazy and then added a few kilometers some with this beauty:...
He Mocks Us
But we love him all the same. Here’s the new work from EV, in Gawker. In this one, some...
Why Not Uganda?
Huckabee, noting that the right to a homeland doesn’t entail a right to the homeLAND that you...
Ever Feel Like a Red Herring?
Red herring, of course, being the fallacy of throwing in unrelated information to defend a claim...