Sometimes I have an idea and I want to get it down before it’s gone. Erev Shabbat I had this...
Author - Rabbi Yonah
Holyness is a state of action
Kedoshim– Be Holy – because I am Holy. Holyness is a state of action and not a state of...
Music Haters in Black
From the Jewish Journal, a bunch of totally misguided moms and dads. Women in Black will...
Tu B’Shvat Shabbat Kabbalist’s Seder 2007 Edition
This year, Jewish Earth Day falls on Friday Night. I have adapted this Tu B’Shvat seder over...
Bookstein Wins in Park City
Ezra Bookstein, Emmy award winning cinematographer & filmmaker, has won a Gold Medal at this...
Let my People Go!
Parsha Bo spontaneous reflections It’s all about the matzah. Free myself from Egyptian...