This is the LAST CALL for tickets to our first ever Camp Jewlicious! No walk-ups, no last minute...
Author - Rabbi Yonah
The End of an Era – Sara’s Closes After Nearly 33...
Famous South Florida Kosher Eatery Closes It’s Doors. Guest Post by Adam Weinberg, Jewlicious...
Matisyahu Wishes He Could Be @ Camp Too
Video by Scott Jacobs at . Ran into Matisyahu on tour a few nights ago at his sold-out...
Bibliyoga Goes To Hollywood
LA will never be the same. Marcus J. Freed, one of the most popular presenters ever at Jewlicious...
Jewtopia Revival In LA
Jewtopia returns to its roots with some new revisions, and a %40 JConnectLA discount!
Summer Camp Is For Lovers . . .
… of nature, of life, of beauty, of music, of being with people, and looking at the stars, and...