Duh – was my mom’s reaction, of course it was planned. Well the interesting development...
Author - Rabbi Yonah
Next Year In Jerusalem?
We live in such comfort in America. We have no fears. We shop effortlessly at supermarkets stocked...
Going Kosher For Passover 2010
Passover is a completely awesome holiday. Going “Kosher for Passover†is a cool way to do...
Fink Fest!
Fink Fest was unplanned. It just happened. In my “farewell to politics until Passover”...
Finkelstein – We Will Teach You Hebrew
UPDATED FROM 2007 – Maybe we can get you to enroll in Birthright Next’s Hebrew Program...
A Dream Realized – The Finest Kosher For Passover Slivovitz
It started when we lived in Warsaw and Rabbi Kastenbaum, our shochet, brought community-made...