Mount of Olives Jewish Cemetery Shabbat shalom to everybody!
Author - themiddle
Well, Walt & Mearsheimer know who buys books: The Israel...
Oh the irony. The Forward tells us that Stephen Walt, …made a presentation at this...
It’s Thursday, so there must be another British boycott on...
Yup, yet another British organization is planning to hold a vote to determine whether they should...
Oh my God!!! Boycott! They’re boycotting!
You might recall that Steven Weinberg, the Nobel laureate decided that this is a bad time for a Jew...
UN Human Rights Council and its Bias
I was visiting Pierre Tristam’s site and someone named Van commented about John...
While ck’s fatigue takes root, an Israeli catches a...
Sure, some people get to travel around Israel meeting lots of new people, seeing beautiful places...