Okay, even as I write Rachel Bookstein is probably serving yet another tasty meal for the many...
Author - themiddle
Whatever These Flowers Are Called Shabbat
Okay, I’m half kidding. I think these are anemones and they flower beautifully in Israel. I...
Letter from Father to Son
Mentalblog posted this wonderful letter from a father to his son (also available here), where the...
Hold on! Greater foolishness than that of the professor and...
For this, we have to thank some German Roman Catholic bishops who came to visit Israel. As...
Wait, there is someone more foolish than the blood libel...
That’s right dear readers, there is a person who has proven more foolish in his actions than...
Chinese orphans adopted by Jewish couples reach bat mitzvah
Fascinating, if a little shallow, article in the NY Times today about Chinese orphans who were...