For Tom. Oh heck, at the risk of pissing of my co-posters here at Jewlicious, here’s Jascha...
Author - themiddle
Horowitz plays Liszt Consolation No. 3 Simply magnificent. hat tip to Pierre Tristam
Attend an anti-Israel event on campus and get beat up
In her column today, Caroline Glick tells us the following stories for which it appears she used as...
A Kiss begets a New Threat to Israeli Democracy
First there was a young woman. She did or did not act flirtatiously and warmly around...
“West Bank Story” Wins Oscar
Laya brought this short film to our attention back in 2005. Since then, the film has been invited...
“Wailing Wall” Shabbat
For many years the Christian appelation for the Western Wall at the Temple Mount has been Wailing...