I thought this was an interesting viewpoint. In the Mideastern bazaar, diplomacy agreements are...
Author - themiddle
Pirate Circumcisions
She’s innocent until proven guilty! . There’s really little to add to this story. A...
Happy Sukkot and Shabbat Shalom
Chag same’ach to you all and shabbat shalom. A bundle of LULAV, HADAS and ARAVA, with an...
Hebrew University Biotechnology and Life Sciences thrive
Hebrew University produces more patents than MIT in biotechnology. It ranked 12th out of 424...
The Mother of All Hatchet Jobs – Farrar, Straus and Giroux...
Here’s the sequence of events, boys and girls. Two prominent non-Jewish academics, one from...
Jewlicious needs a cocktail
After a rough and tumble competition, Nicaragua has just selected its national drink! I think that...