The spammers are linked to websites. Can’t we respond by asking those sites to stop the...
Author - themiddle
Jewlicious Irony: the whiner, Cole, is apparently a hypocrite
So just below you have the Juan Cole and MEMRI story. After MEMRI threatened Cole with a lawsuit...
Academic Freedom, my tuches
Tonight, a friend sent me a an email that had been floating around a local university campus. The...
It is Finally Time To Reveal The Purpose of a Jewish State
Better smelling, smooth-skinned, Jewish men. he scrubs his body with granular gel and massages his...
Oh my GOD, he didn’t really die!
Today, Mr. Abbas, Abu Mazen, the likely successor to the dead fart, indicated that nothing has...
400,000 visit the Yad Vashem database on first day
Close to 400,000 Internet surfers from Israel and around the world visited the Web site of Yad...