These are words that we hear at least once a year. For those of us who grew up in Jewish day school...
Category - Isralicious
Because Israel is YUM!
Tel Aviv Beef
Can’t get that in Kfar Saba… Yup. By now thanks to Foreign Ministry and Tourism...
Smoking Gun Email: MSU Planned To “Hijack” Oren Event
Duh – was my mom’s reaction, of course it was planned. Well the interesting development...
Hamas Leader Meshal Says War Against Israel Remains an Option
Scary! Khaled Meshal, political leader of Hamas, recently stated that all options against Israel...
Next Year In Jerusalem?
We live in such comfort in America. We have no fears. We shop effortlessly at supermarkets stocked...
A Passover Story
Let’s give this man a book deal! What does it mean to be anti-Israel? It should be pretty...