For those unaware, Hamas runs a television station known as al-Aksa TV. This station is used by...
Category - Isralicious
Because Israel is YUM!
Chanukat HaBayit
Well sort of… The new Beit Jewlicious was recently most stylishly and joyously inaugurated...
Friday Afternoon in Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem: Are Jews Dogs?
Watch this video: This was taken this past Friday in Sheikh Jarrah. Every Friday, protesters have...
1 Million Drops: Israel Charity Initiative
Israel Charity Initiative?? Doesn’t sound very sexy does it? But it so is! 1 Million Drops is...
The Carsitters Invade Europe
Aw yeah. I hope you enjoy this ballad by the Carsitters called I Don’t Mind from their newest...
Thank you, Dubai
Your obnoxious adherence to the Arab boycott made Chanukah come early for the Israelis. By Lyon...