If you’re a woman who reads Jewlicious, you’re probably busy. You’re juggling...
Category - Isralicious
Because Israel is YUM!
This holiday of redemption
Last days of Pesach. Focusing on the redemption, the crossing of the sea, Miriam and dancing, the...
Carter Scores Breakthrough with Hamas…
Uh… not so much After 7-hours of negotiations with Hamas political leader Khaled Mashaal, at...
“Let My Parents Go!” Video Competition: Your Turn to...
You may remember this video that I was in, playing the sure-to-be-Spirit-Award-winning role of...
Tevel b’Tzedek program in Nepal
Have tons of idealism and want to help Nepal inch its way from a monarchy with a marxist rebellion...
lsrael’s 60th Anniversary Commemorated by the...
Well, after many emails and endless phone calls and the crunching of many, many pixels, 60Bloggers...