Olmert’s plan to hand over parts of Jerusalem — or in the current regime’s double...
Category - Isralicious
Because Israel is YUM!
Who’s afraid of Asaf Romirowsky?
Apparently M. A. Muqtedar Khan is. Kahn has authored a bunch of books and is perceived as a scholar...
West Papua donates gold for Temple
This story has so many layers. West Papua Delegation Donates Gold For Holy Temple 25 Tishrei 5768...
The Tibet Lobby
From The Tibet Lobby Honoring the Dalai Lama with the Congressional Gold medal was yet another saga...
OneVoice Gatherings Canceled; Replaced by Online Presentation
OneVoice had a plan. It was a good plan: Israelis and Palestinians (and supporters of both...
The rub in transportation security
I purchased a bottle of this stuff at store in the H terminal at O’Hare. Isn’t that...