Close to 400,000 Internet surfers from Israel and around the world visited the Web site of Yad...
Category - Jewlicious
Everything Jewish and Delicious
Adventures in the land of plenty
As you may have picked up on, I have taken a little trip to North America. Zionist guilt be damned...
The GA Sucked
What a shocker. Not. The word from returning delegates was that the Cleveland GA was pretty...
Cold Weather Ends Israeli Locust Plague
A sudden unseasonable cold snap has pretty much finished off the plague of locusts that hit parts...
I Wonder If These Guys Also Voted on the Basis of Values
The Muffti is a man of much love, not hate, and thus regrets passing on the following story. The...
Shivers up my spine
So I am half Sephardic. I am also half Ashkenaz. That half grew up with virtually no family because...