This is some endeavor, trying to do a review of all the nominees…I chose Best Humor Blog...
Category - Popalicious
Music, Entertainment, Pop culture
Purim and Passover Take Hollywood
Every year, with the exception of the semester I was in Israel, I’ve been to two sedarim...
Jon Stewart to Host Oscars
That’s right, everybody’s favorite Jew boy will be hosting the 78th annual Academy...
Gwyneth Paltrowitch! Your roots are showing!
Gwyneth Paltrow, the WASPiest looking woman on earth, a direct descendant of Rabbi David Ben Samuel...
Another Film about Terrorists and Vengeance?
MOT Sergey Brin and Larry Page of Google fame are the executive producers of an independent film...
The Jewlicious Media Blitz of December 2005
Or at least, that is how it shall be known in the annals of history…the week that Jewlicious...