It all fits together quite nicely. More precisely, it fits together like a “baby’s...
Category - Popalicious
Music, Entertainment, Pop culture
Honorariums in America – An Update
Across America, under mauve skies, colleges award honorary degrees to various alumni, leaders...
Gringo De Mayo
Frickin Eric Schwartz. The comedian and Jewlicious Festival alum aka Smooth E, is funny. But...
Spawn of Tiger Mom gets into Harvard, Starts a Blog
Has Amy Chua won? Can her frightening “traditional Chinese” parenting methods actually...
Glee, Jews and their noses
Episode 18 of the second season of Glee, titled Born This Way deals with a number of issues: OCD...
Happy Passover… Videos!
What a crop of festive Passover videos we got this year! Golly. Here are some of my faves. The...