So said Juliette Lewis when she performed with her band, Juliette and the Licks at Goldstar Zappa...
Category - Popalicious
Music, Entertainment, Pop culture
Not Regular Shabbat Music
I have now been home from Building Bridges for Peace for about a week. My camp recovery period has...
Sometimes (actually, often) I Love the Forward
I’ve been meaning to put this link up for a while, but I just keep reading and rereading it...
Lebanese Army prepares final obliteration of Refugee Camp...
I was watching Al Jazeera. They were showing the Oscar winning West Bank Story (I hadn’t seen...
Hitler and Crocs
Facebook has groups for every possible interest. Like for instance, do you hate Crocs? You know...
JewTube: What’s up?
note: Looking for the latest on the Google JewTube legal action? Go here. I caught up with my old...