Imagine you spent 5 years in one of the IDF’s most elite units. As a Navy Commando you stood...
Category - Popalicious
Music, Entertainment, Pop culture
Jews and Zeitgeist
It seems as if Jews in North America have always had a presence in popular culture larger than...
Good Shabbes Chaim Potter.
Gawker takes a swipe at… Here’s the time line… the Associated Press ran a story...
Reboot Releases 4th Album
Folks Songs for Far Out Folk – Fred Katz Let me begin by stating the following – I...
Michelle Citrin in Tel Aviv this Sunday
Just for the falafel of it? Singer / Songwriter Michelle Citrin, an ROI 2006 alumni, in Israel on a...
Marty Beckerman on FOX
Who? Pay attention. I’m pretty sure this boy is going places. Marty, the author of Generation...