When I mention the big bang theory to my yeshiva students, they inevitably react with; “It’s...
Tag - kosher
Jewlicious Eats: Bitter To Swallow
A unique cookbook appeared in my kitchenette this week. It is BITTER by acclaimed chef Jennifer...
When Radical Feminists Squirm It Makes Me Smile
When radical feminists squirm, it makes me smile, and it’s not because I am anti-feminist. It’s...
Introducing the Swedish X-Pop Penis Popsicle!
In Sweden, Kosher slaughter has been banned since 1937. Swedish Jews can’t eat kosher beef or...
Best Jew-licious Cookbooks of 2013
The New Jewish Table: Modern Seasonal Recipes for Traditional Dishes by Todd Gray, Ellen Kassoff...
Rabbinical Council of California Stupidly Rescinds Kosher...
Why did the Rabbinical Council of California Suddenly rescind its kosher certification for Trigg...