Not so tough now, huh?

Imad Tsalah A-Fatah Kawasme, leader of the Kawasme cell of Hamas was captured by Israelis in a joint Shin Bet, Army operation in Hebron. Imad was suspected of masterminding the suicide bomb attacks in Be’er Sheva on August 31 that left 16 dead and 100 wounded. One of the suicide bombers, 26-year-old Ahmed Kawasme, was a cousin of Imad. I guess Imad felt that maybe there might be a shortage of virgins in heaven and so this particular moment might not be the right time to go join his cousin. Or maybe Imad was just a scared shitless little coward more at ease with sending people to their deaths than with you know, dying himself. Anyhow he sure does look brave, as the Telegraph put it, “wearing only a pair of large underpants.”

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Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.


  • Israeli authorities should show him the pictures, pass him a cyanide pill, and say “be a man”.

  • This is a perfect opportunity for Fruit of Loom to step in. I mean, there must be thousands of terrorists with poorly fitting johns. This is a humanitarian crisis! Call the UN security council! We need to start a web-site collection for these poor lads. or ….

  • This reminds me of Rantisi who made sure his son didn’t volunteer for suicide bombing missions.