kolbramah.comIf you’re a night night owl in need of some funky Jewish music, you must check out Kolbramah.com between the hours of 1 and 5am EST.

No Miami Boy’s Choir here (not that there’s anything wrong with that). The rest of the day you can listen to more ‘traditional’ Jewish music.

Kol B’ramah means ‘voice on high’ and comes to you all the way from the Holy city of Jerusalem, programmed by one mysterious DJ Baba.


About the author

Laya Millman

1 Comment

  • hi i love this if you get a whole bunch of people who agree please foward your complaint to [email protected] im up at night i get it in lakewood nj on 107.9 but i hate it at night i spoke with him once and he told me every one has a chance for there music they like!!!