Peres’s choices may be further narrowed in light of recent comments made by his brother Gigi Peres who, over the weekend stated that “Moroccan-born Labor Chairman Amir Peretz was a “foreign body” in Labor, who along with his people “from North Africa” had taken over the party the way dictator Generalissimo Francisco Franco had taken over Spain in the 1930s.” Now, I’ll admit that Peretz is a little brusque and his presence is a tad shocking to the otherwise patrician leadership of the Labor party, but likening him to a fascist is just, you know, undignified. But as much as I enjoy watching Peretz rampage through the Labor party like Rodney Dangerfield in a tony country club, I can’t help thinking he’s making a bad mistake. Whatever… whether run by snobby ashkenazim or Marxist-leaning Moroccans, I never liked Labor anyway. What I do like is an exciting race where the final outcome is not a foregone conclusion (Hello USA! Hello Canada!).
Peretz is not a force to be taken lightly, Sharon’s lead might evaporate in the months leading to the elections and Likud… well, I’m pretty sure Likud’s screwed. But whatever happens, I know I’ll be entertained, and really? When the future of a small nation is at stake, what’s more important than a little entertainment?
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too funny. oy too funny. thank you ck.
How much do I love that graphic? Let me count the ways!!
Good call…
I agree gimpy. I am glad you picked up on the fallacy of the snobs vs. slobs dichotomy. Amir Peretz is a talented, accomplished and intelligent man. Gigi Peres however, is a classless buffoon. The graphic was inspired by his idiotic statements more than anything else.
yea but he didn’t go to college. he’s an underdog type.
You know, Amir Peretz has been head of Histadrut for a very long time. He’s sort of Israel’s version of the head of the CSN, and has long commanded a good deal of authority. If there is an power elite in Israel, he is certainly part of it. While I hate to cast aspersion on a good ethnic stereotype — I love ck’s posts as much as the next guy — snobs vs slobs doesn’t quite describe this situation.
Oh, and mad props to ck for depicting Shimon with a skipper’s cap, harking back to his sea-faring days as head of the Israeli navy in ’48. 😉
Laya, thanks for the Weekend at Yassir’s reminder. That was a serious, laugh out loud, spit your tea at the monitor graphic. This one’s pretty good too.
That Gigi – who knew Shimon has a brother – may be justifiably angry, but that was a very stupid thing to say. Note that Shimon’s office offered unhesitating and unequivocal public criticism of the comment as soon as it was made public.
But this does touch on one of the reasons Labor has not been able to beat the Likud in a while. The “Mizrahim” in Israel feel they’re not wanted in Labor. So it takes a brusque man like Peretz, who may or may not have gamed the elections, to break through to the leadership. If he wasn’t being so brutal right now, he would be trying to unify the party instead of doing a putsch.
As for my earlier post about Sharon having made the mistake of his life, I admitted then as I admit now that I might be wrong. However, regardless of what the polls might show today, the elections are not taking place today but in 4 months…and that’s a lifetime in Israel. Let’s wait and see.
Hey, Shtreimel, is this you?
From the article:
His blogger pen name is Shtreimel, the Yiddish word for the round fur hat that a Hasidic man wears on Sabbath.
He styles himself a heretic, a Brooklyn Hasid with beard and earlocks who does not believe in God, sneaks away to snack on Yom Kippur and sometimes grabs a hamburger that isn’t kosher at McDonald’s. On three blogs that he has kept – changing them like safe houses out of fear of exposure – he has confided his spiritual misgivings and mused about hypocrisies he sees among Hasidim, like a willingness to beat up adherents of a rival sect.
I’ve never seen Cadyshack and I think its f&^*ing collest thing ever.
First of all if you haven’t seen Caddyshack get the f— out. second that graphic is awesome. I’ve been reading you guys for a little while and you rock!
OMH, look at the expression on Arik’s face. He’s so channelling Dangerfield, zt”l.
ck is the refreakindiculous graphics guru here. Props ck. mad props. Alsmost as fun as Weekend at Yassir’s
Two things. That graphic is the best ever. I can’t stop laughing. That should be the biggest viral email in Israel’s history. However, I’m afraid that most Jewlicious readers have never seen Caddyshack. I fear they are too young and they don’t realize that it is much better than Old School.
Secondly, Peretz DID take over the party in a democratic yet extremely shady way. He went the Feiglin route and signed up as many of his cohorts as possible. So he IS a foreign body to that extent but Peres was obviously being a racialist as my good friend Ali G says.
You guys are extremely polite re that old coot Gigi. Here is another take:
Who made that graphic, cause that is just refreakindiculous!