What the hell kind of Jewish name is Scooter?
That’s right. Andover Prep educated I. Lewis Libby, Jr. is in fact a yid. I would never have guessed and it turns out, not that many people knew, even though he was a member at Temple Rodef Shalom, “a five-minute drive from his home in McLean, a wealthy suburb known for multimillion homes housing top lobbyists, lawyers and Bush administration officials.” Of course the bloggy nutters are out in force on this one. Former Grand Imperial Wizard David Duke has a couple of posts on his Web site about this traitorous Jewish treachery. Whatever. I know this is all a big hullabaloo in the US. The most interesting part of this story for me is this notion of a dude called Scooter being a Jew. Fascinating. Read all about it on the JTA!

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Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.


  • The fact nobody really discussed this is what is most telling. I had planned to post about this but had no time. On the day the indictment hit, I tried to find out whether he is Jewish and at that time it was virtually impossible to find more than a couple of sources that indicated his background.

    Another interesting piece of information about him is that he was Marc Rich’s attorney a while before Rich received the controversial pardon from Clinton. You know, the pardon that blew up in his face because the Republicans never missed an opportunity to scream “scandal!” during his tenure as Prez. So Clinton, to defend himself, blamed the pardon on pressure that came at him from Jewish organizations and Israel.

    Scooter was not involved with any of that.

  • I just can’t believe a grownup actually goes by Scooter.

    Plus, here’s the complete report about Scooter’s indictment. An excerpt for you:
    Scooter was charged with three counts — giving false testimony, impeding a federal investigation, and hitting The Great Gonzo over the head with an oversized novelty mallet during one of the latter muppet’s trademark ill-considered stunts. If convicted, Scooter faces 30 years in federal prison, a $1 million fine, and an embarrassing duet with one of the Fraggles in the next muppet holiday special.