anne frank treeActress Emma Thompson was the first to sign her name and write something on the newly launched Anne Frank Tree.

The tree itself is a cyber Chestnut tree, designed as a replica of the one growing outside the secret Annex that Anne wrote about. but as names are collected, they will be attached to individual leaves. The site also encourages you to contribute writing on Anne Frank inspired themes like Courage, Freedom and Goodness.

While my trip to the Anne Frank house was rather under whelming, nonetheless, I’ve gotta support the humanitarian heart of the Anne Frank Tree mission, basically for those who have been inspired by Anne Frank to in turn inspire others.

The real life tree is sick and dying, but hopefully the virtual one will live on for many long years.

About the author

Laya Millman


  • I think this is a wonderful idea. I also say “yasher koach!” I hope you get many responses. I did visit the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam in the early 1970’s. I know a man who was a hidden child during the Holocaust in Holland. I am sure he will be interested in this project. I read Anne Frank’s diary when it first came out in the 1940’s. Since I am two years younger than Anne Frank, I was too young to really appreciate her courage and humanity.

  • The Anne-site locked up my Safari on a G4 iBook – same at work. And the fields for filling out your birthdate is, hm, where is year and where is the one call date? It differs from european style i guess, with, like, 1977-01-06 for january the sixth.

  • The above story was written by the East Village’s own Jennifer Rubenstein. Jen – you give us such nachas!

  • Yasher kohahekh…I was going to post about this. But then I got distracted by my other post.

  • It is not so generally known but there were hundreds if not thousands of other ‘Anne Frank’ type girls living like that in Amsterdam during the war. Some who survived, one of them in fact lives near me, she is still aliveand well, merited to marry and have children, all successful professional people, great contributors to Israel and local community, and wonderful grandchildren as well.

    • The greater majority of people, are more than well aware of this fact, Jobber…I believe that this story of Anne Frank’s life, and death, represents ‘all’ of the millions of innocent children whose lives were taken by the Nazi swine… Anne Frank’s story being repeated, is a constant reminder of all of these beautiful young souls, who will never be forgotten…Baruch Dayan HaEmet