That’s it…I’m proclaiming my own series.

One could argue that I already inaugurated this series last week with the story about Lisa Loeb’s quest for a nice Jewish boy. But, due to a lifelong obsession with both archeology itself and Indiana Jones as the hotness of science personified–as well as my own single and searching status–I couldn’t pass up this story (thanks EV for sending the article from the NY Times).

Name: Josh Bernsteinjosh bernstein

Age: 34

Location: Manhattan and a tiny town in Utah you’ve never heard of

Profession/Occupation: President of a wilderness survival school/TV host, “Digging for Truth” (The History Channel)

Assets: Makes archeology glamorous, looks good in a fedora, good upbringing (Upper East Side) and education (Horace Mann, Cornell, studied in Israel), and knows origins of Stonehenge (or at least can read said origins off TelePrompTer…)

Why he might be my (or your) bashert: A Jewish Indiana Jones who’s in his thirties and has his own TV show, Bernstein enjoys the ogling he’s getting, but still wants to be valued for his intelligence:

[…] he’s also hearing from women, some of whom may have seen him in the premiere issue of Men’s Vogue magazine last fall. “I can’t tell you what some of them are saying,” Mr. Bernstein said playfully of those female fans. “They are more lustful than romantic. But my favorites are those who tune in to look but then decide they like the show and appreciate my mind. People are attracted to the idea that I’m not afraid to get dirty and sweaty.”

Why he’s worth getting to know even if he’s not my (or your) bashert: “Reading, watching films, working out and hanging out with his twin brother and 35-year-old stepbrother fill his limited spare time, Mr. Bernstein said.” If they’re both single, this means we’ve just uncovered an additional two single thirtysomething Semites…go us…it’s always good to have a spare…

Plus, the Times notes: ” His mother is a literary agent in Manhattan.” Good to know, NY Times. Good to know…

Esther Kustanowitz

About the author

Esther Kustanowitz

For more posts by Esther, see, and


  • Hey, Haia Mihel, I haven’t heard from you in a while. Please e mail me!

  • He’s a bit hairy for my taste,-looks like a monkey, really. But Josh’s no better, really going downhill. Now that Dylan Lauren pays for her boyfriends he’s gone down in my estimation.I’d rather be a pedophile and shag Shia La Beouff. I love my meat Kosher

  • Hey, why haven’t they ever made a movie about Stern?
    They should. I nominate the wankworthy Mark Feuerstein in the title role.
    Hell, he can even take his shirt off, just as a bonus to the ladies (and some gentlemen).Mr Spielberg are you listening?

  • Well, stern is dead since 1942, but whatever rocks your boat, honey.
    I googled him though and found some of the poetry he wrote to his wife.
    so to be honest, yeah, that was kind of sexy, and we all got about the same chance of shagging Josh as we do Stern, so as i said, whatever rocks your boat.

  • Now this is mad, he has been dead since like 1942, bur hey, whatever rocks your boat.
    I read some of the poems that Stern wrote to his wife though,- and i tell you if a guy wrote something like that to me…. That makes him sexy in my book.
    besides we all have about as much of a chance of shagging Josh as we do Stern, Ha ha!

  • I remember reading a book where a Auschwitz survivor remembered how Jewish women were selected for a slave labor.The Nazis wanted the cleverest to do the most difficult tasks.
    And how do you think they chose the cleverest?
    By grading them according to height hair and eye color.
    This way the tallest blondest and blue eyed girls were deemed most intelligent and slowed to live a little longer than the rest of the swarthy Semitic rabble.
    Oh I don’t mind Josh,he’s not the sexiest Jew ever.That honor goes to the L.E.H.I.founder Avraham Yair Stern< now that’s a Fireblood!

  • Yeah yeah, here goes the ghetto prince, tall blond is always better than the dark girl, long live the Aryan supremacy.Josh just finished what Hitler started.By the way my Dad looked just like him.He’s a drunk somewhere out there.Thanks to all the blond obsessed Jewish boys for making me feel so great. I am a redhead by the way.

  • I like digging of true! like Josh Bernstein! because I am interesting in History! I am from brazil I live in
    Santos a city near S Paulo!

  • I like de history very much!I see the digging for trut.
    I am brazilian, I live in Santos,city the state of Sao
    Paulo.I like the Josh Bernstein very much!

  • Chutzpah.. just a note.. I noticed in an earlier post you seemed infatuated with the Kratt Brothers from Zoomobafoo/PBS Kids. Kratt is a German name from Wurttemburg, but many Kratt’s are Jewish. So I do believe there is a Very Good chance that Martin and Chris’ family may have Jewish ancestory. But With Chris’ name I would assume they are more Germanic then Yiddisch

  • Sorry to burst your bubble,girls but in a recent interview delicious mr Bernstein has admitted to only liking tall blondes, so unless all of us classic hebrew beauties out there are prepared to dye our hair and break and recet our leg bones it seems we are just not good enough.pity

  • Sorry to burst your bubble ladies, but according to a recent interview delicious Mr Bernstein is only interested in tall blondes, so unless most of us classic hebrew girls are willing to dye our hair and break and recet our leg bones we seem to be just not good enough, so I better just keep on dreaming!

  • I’m bringing this sexy(series)back. Submit your suggestions now and wait for the official announcement!

  • hmmm, anyone with any good ideas for contacting this possible beshert? (other than the BOSS email address)

  • There are several interview with he and his brother about his father and sister’s death. Does anyone know how or when they died?

  • Someone needs to post the Single Woman of the Month.

    I propose start at the Jewlicious confab next week, no I can’t make it unfortunately, too much on the plate.

  • Any other Kratt Brothers fans out there? Don’t think they are Jewish but damn they look good in Khaki.

    No Yosef, it is not a triple mitzvah…it’s a mitzvah when men chose to pleasure women and hopefully procreated with them, send that message out to your homeboys in San Francisco. (It’s one thing to ask for social acceptance but totally another thing to ask for mitzvah points, now that’s chutzpah!).

  • His show is superlicous. The camera shots and scenes are depicted well, the factoids and oral archaeolgy that he uses in his shows are great. As a 94114 boy a San Francisco at ground zero I cannot attest to the linearity of his sexuality. Maybe he goes both ways. Would that be a triple Mitzvah?

  • Yeah, he’s cute. I can imagine the ego… But I digress…

    So now there’s competition for the ladies with Ben Baruch… (btw, I’d take Ben over this guy if I were single…)

  • OMG, *drooooool* !

    And a twin brother, too. Hell, I say let’s just clone him. Hunky goodness for everyone, and no more shidduch crisis! 😀

  • Whoa! Someone bring me some papertowels…I just messed up my computer chair…that guy is SMOKIN’ HOT! I will certainly add him to my repetoire of favorite fantasies along both Kratt Brothers (from Zoboomafoo on PBS) at the same time and or Tom Jones (who I will be spending Valentine’s Day ) …thanks for the fresh fodder for my imagination Esther. I will be sure to attend all my Cornell Alumni events in the future! (Although he is looking a little Brokeback in this pic…have we confirmed his heterosexuality yet, he’s too good to be true!)
    And no Jewish Mother, we DON’T all know somebody who looks like that…

  • Esther had reported that she has a new bf, named Jack Bauer. Is that some kind of a Borboun or something? A Rum perhaps?

  • stop with this section, all those nice jews you show end with a shikse! heh

  • My own mother called me yesterday to tell me all about Josh and the show. I had to remind her that not only am I *already married*, but so is she. It is a cool show though.

  • I guess you’ve got to have a balance to the “hot girl in the layout” feature.

    Exactly, Adrian. Exactly.

    Annabel Lee: I’m on it. And let’s do the math, girl. Count with me: Josh, twin brother, stepbrother…one, two, three. What other famous threes are there…let’s see…

    Esther, Hil, and Annabel Lee…

  • I guess you’ve got to have a balance to the “hot girl in the layout” feature.

    Hey, Josh is cool. His show is actually pretty unique in the archeology/history/science show arena.

  • I like this new series. You should e-mail this guy (or his agent, or his literary agent mother) and let him know that he is officially Jewlicious. You never know where it could lead…!

  • He really has the family face. Everybody knows somebody who looks like him.

    What a great hat!!!

    If everybody wore hats, we would not have a birthrate or marriage problem. Hats make people look very good!

    Bring back hats! For women and men. I am talking about a DRESSED looking hat. Like this guy’s.

    Every woman crazy ’bout a sharp dressed man. That was a song. A long time ago. But some things never change.

    Could the sixties be ending? Could I live that long? Oh hosanna.