If you’re like me, all this talk of “we’re in Israel, we’re so great” that half of this site’s writers engage in is getting to be a little too much, and when it comes to the Israeli elections, you feel very out of the loop. You don’t know what’s going on, which parties are which, and what, if anything, any of them stand for.

So for those of you who felt left out, here are a few resources to make you feel like you’re more a part of this election process…

First, the ADL provides an elections primer here, which includes a rundown of the three major political parties and their candidates, in addition to a brief synopsis of how the Israeli Knesset elections work.

Love the gritty campaign ads? A synopsis of the parties’ campaign ads are available from Israel Insider…but for a visual punch, here’s a somewhat choppy video composite of campaign ads is available here, including one featuring Claymation. (They’re in Hebrew, in case that’s a concern, and can only be viewed in Explorer, since it’s NBC…) And there’s a link to a Meretz campaign ad over at BlogsofZion.

What’s the most popular election ringtone? Word to all of you who guessed Shas. The others, who are asking, “what’s an election ringtone?” will want to go here for an explanation, but basically, mobile phone operator Cellcom created ringtones from the political parties’ jingles.

And thanks to the internet, JerusalemOnline, Channel 2 News and the Jewish Agency, you can also watch the elections live on the web in English, Tuesday, March 28th 2006, from 8PM –6AM (Israel time) 1PM-11PM (EST), with English speaking guests – ambassadors, journalists, politicians etc. They’ll also be providing polls with simultaneous translation and interactive conference with Jewish communities around the world.

What? You’re in Israel and want to vote for someone in America? Might I recommend Jewish Family & Life founder Yossi Abramowitz?

And now, a midget in a bikini your scrolling bonus that is completely unrelated to Israeli elections, this video parody of an Israeli interviewer interrogating an American film star in promotion of said star’s most recent film. Its name: Kaki Metumtam.


Esther Kustanowitz

About the author

Esther Kustanowitz

For more posts by Esther, see EstherK.com, MyUrbanKvetch.com and JDatersAnonymous.com.