Borat tries to adopt a dog from an American kennel. He hopes to use it to hunt Jews and for “sexytime.” When it’s old he will eat it. The clip above is a deleted scene from Sasha Baron Cohen’s new movie “Borat’s Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan.” Click on the more link below to see the first 4 minutes of the film and listen closely – apparently the language of Kazakhstan is remarkably similar to Hebrew! The movie is in Theatres Nov. 4.

Yes. We know none of this is an accurate depiction of Kazakhstan and its people. Chill out. Sheesh.

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Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.


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    […]very handful of websites that take place to be in depth beneath, from our point of view are undoubtedly nicely really worth checking out[…]

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    […]we prefer to honor many other web internet sites on the net, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Beneath are some webpages worth checking out[…]

  • Are Your Children or Grandchildren, Kids/Goats?

    We really should try to speak like we love GOD and all HIS Creation, especially HIS Children.

    In Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Concordances: His Children

    In Strong’s Concordance the Old Testament Hebrew word Kid is Strong’s number ryes sa’iyr of res sa’ir, bn, zn from TWOT-2274c, 2274e KJV – Kid 28, Goat 24, Devil 2, Satyr 2, Hairy 2, Rough 1.

    In the New Testament Greek we see Kid used once. In Luke 15:29 it is also defined in Strong’s Concordance number as Goat.

    We read in Matthew 25:31-32: When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep [His Children] from the goats : And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

    Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues [the language of Gods word, the Bible].

    Acts 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues*, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

    * not the language of the world.

    Let God be Magnified!

    In Christian love,

  • Haha! Funny! I guess you assumed that I am some Bush fan or that I would care even if I was. I’m neither. I don’t pay much attention to politicians as they all talk out of their ass.

    I was describing us here, in this place that I would like to keep from being some echo chamber. I’m glad we as Jews are not the monolithic group others want to believe we are.

    Look, I’m loyal to America, Israel, and to Jews. Their interests alone are important to me. I’m not a humanist, in fact, I think humanity is over-rated. Am I a cynical bastard? Better than the hyppie-drone, athiest, socialist, liberal, entitled little shit I was in college. 🙂 You care about getting the truth out to all the people of the world, my hands are full.

  • “When eveyone thinks alike, then noone thinks”

    Are you describing the Bush Administration’s policies in Iraq?

  • I’ll try to dig up that link. But Elon, you are entitled to your own opinion as well, no matter how wrong it is. 🙂

    “When eveyone thinks alike, then noone thinks” – Elie Wiesel

  • Eric- Wow.

    First, the movie is an adaptation of a BOOK written by the CHILD of a John Bradley, a Navy corpsman, the man the story follows. Let me ask you, do you REALLY think Mr. Bradley’s son would write a book to specifically DISHONOR his own father? If the screenplay dishonored his father, would he actually ALLOW the film to be maid?

    Secondly, the book was written in 2001, takes place in WWII Japan and America, I hardly believe it has fuck all to do with Iraq.

    Finally, I don’t see how the holocaust has fuck all to do with the war in Iraq, maybe you can explain that. But that’s the GREAT thing about America…you can be insanely illogical and completely misinformed and still be respected as being part of the grand quilt of American society. G-d bless America.

    That being said, implying that Clint Eastwood is part of a conspiracy to pursuade the American public to question our involvement in Iraq through his film is absurd. The majority of the public ALREADY IS questioning our involvement in Iraq and do not approve.

  • Eric, give me a break. Never seen the footage of which you speak, but considering the odds of European Jewish women circa ’45 even knowing of the song God Bless America, much less its lyrics, I’d say the only heart wrenching thing about it is that they bothered to teach it to the prisoners.
    Borat will be hysterical. One of my most anticipated of the season.

  • Just read her review of Flags of our Fathers and I have to thank you for the link Elon as now I know what I won’t go waste money on. I thought the film was to honor American WWII vets but apparently its yet another anti-war movie to make people “question our involvement in Iraq”. I recommend everyone see the footage of liberated Jewish female Holocaust survivors singing “God Bless America” right in the camp after the US soldiers arrived and freed them. Sure it’s propaganda, but it’s the most heart wrenching footage I’ve ever seen, and I hope it was used around the planet just like the original Iwo Jima photo was. Maybe Clint might not believe it, but as a Jew who fled the Soviet Union, America is the greatest country on earth and it is thanks to the bravery of those men. Oh, and we nuked the wrong country!

  • Shy Guy- While i’m sure Debbie Schlussel is a wonderful lawyer, i don’t know why i’d ever take her word on a movie, particularily when all 15 professional movie critics who have reviewed the film are raving over it.

    To put her review in context, i suggest you read her review of “Flags of our Fathers”. She is nothing more than another publicity whore, and out of touch conservative pundit who tries to put herself in the same line as Ann Coulter in her bio. No thanks.

  • if you listen closely when he is talking to his wife at the 1:55 mark, he starts saying “Amarti Lach sh….”

  • Shalom, Very funny … my Hebrew is very poor and I have never catch Hebrew words from Borat, but … every time when Borat say “yak sze masz?” what you can translate to the letter “how are you” in … polish:)))
    any way enjoy&greetings from Poland

  • When he’s talking to his wife he is also talking in Hebrew. He says עמרתי לך (I told you).