In this debate, you get to hear about conspiracies where the “Israel Lobby” and “they” stifle debate and discussion about the Israel “Palestine” conflict. Amazingly, the two proponents of this view, Finkelsteing and Cockburn, who make a good living at least in part by attacking Israel in their writing, try to take the position that somehow the debate is stifled. Of course, when Cockburn is challenged on this point and asked to provide examples, he can’t provide a single one. When Finkelstein speaks, he panders to the audience but makes absolutely no points of substance. Sadly, on the other side of the debate, Martin Indyk shows himself to be a diplomat and not an academic, reporter or politician. He is simply too soft and despite ample opportunities to destroy the claims of these two jokers he cannot seem to take advantage. There is voting at the end of this broadcast where, magically, the two who don’t prove their point at all still receive the majority, but you can’t watch this debate and come away with that conclusion unless you’re pre-disposed to it.

It is tiresome to watch these vacuous points about the “Israel lobby” get traction.

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  • Hey! This is my 1st comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and tell you I really enjoy reading your articles. Can you suggest any other blogs/websites/forums that go over the same subjects? Thanks!

  • And no offence folks, but Jewlicious and Jewschool are not an effective medium of alternative opinion. Regardless of shabbos table, whenever I raise these sites during a convo, most folks either:
    a) don’t know you exist
    b) don’t care

    Still, I’m a fan, and appreciate the material.

  • “shtreimel: then stop listening to the UJA/BBYO, etc….what are you 11 yrs old getting dragged to Sunday school?”

    Who’s listening? My point is, when a community lacks a critical voice, it provideds fertile ground for other extreme voices pipe in. That’s all. So in a way, we’ve created Finkelstein.

    “How is it possible that everything done by the large Jewish organizations and Israel is bad? This is an absurd proposition, but the only one I believe to be available in his work.”

    Totally untrue. He raises some points that are valid and need to said, but with a tone of such disgust, that it’s hard to digest ’em.

  • Finkelstein’s totally vacuous, and Cockburn (I didn’t realize he was still alive– isn’t he still fulminating about the invasion of Cambodia?)– he’s like having the Italians as your ally (to cite Churchill). The Brits ate it up, though, didn’t they?

  • What propaganda, Shtreimel? Being over the top doesn’t make one’s actions false and in need of “balance.” Finkelstein doesn’t offer balance anyway, he offers a pungent, relentlessly extremist viewpoint. How is it possible that everything done by the large Jewish organizations and Israel is bad? This is an absurd proposition, but the only one I believe to be available in his work.

    Anyway, what does this matter? Watch the video and tell me whether he says anything of substance. In my opinion he’s trying really hard, but isn’t saying anything – he’s either having a bad day or there ain’t enough croutons in the salad. Cockburn wasn’t much better, by the way.

  • shtreimel: then stop listening to the UJA/BBYO, etc….what are you 11 yrs old getting dragged to Sunday school? adult Jews can choose to take part in the organized Jewish community or rebel against it or seek to reform it or whatever. but the idea that we need some hater to come in and “balance” what we are all perfectly capable of balancing on our own as adults is pathetic.

    (plus not all ideas need a balance. the idea that powerful Jewish organizations should be in charge of Shoah reparation money? OK, maybe worthy of “balance.” the idea that the Shoah was a unique tragedy, the memory of which needs to be perpetuated for the sake of our very existence? no thanks Finkelstein, I don’t need you to “balance” that one out. I’m fine with it.

  • Middle…

    I hate Finkelstein…but he balances out the propaganda that UJA/B’nai Brith (add Jewish Org acronyms), shoves down our throats week after week.

  • ..The Israeli Lobby is a terrorist organization disguised as a professional workplace.

    i love Finkelstein, you ignorant idiots have your heads stuck in your asses you dont wanna see the L I G H T.

    this is my favorite, when he bitch-slaps Wolf Blitzer.

    you can hide behind America but the whole world hates Israel.

  • Tom, did you watch it? Is it me or in the 3 times where Finkelstein spoke at some length, did he say absolutely nothing?

    • No, it’s just you. You have issues.

      Norman made many a good point.

  • You’re right about Indyck. But in that Eurolefty environment, even to Ricky Gervais’s David Brent would’ve beaten him.