Oh My Hashem! We're Finalists!Gotta love those JIBs! All that sound and fury for bragging rights and yet, so few people actually vote and the best part of the whole thing is the discovery of cool new JBlogs that would otherwise not come up on your radar. Jewlicious has been fortunate to once again make it to the finals in the following categories:

Best Group Blog
The current leader is Beyond Teshuvah, a group blog with a daunting number of contributors and Rabbinic advisers. They advise that “Since Beyond BT is between 93% and 99% L’Sheim Shmayim (for the sake of heavan [sic.]) there’s a possibility that if you vote for us and more people get involved with the community, you’ll get credit for a mitzvah.” Wow. How are we supposed to compete with that? Beyond BT is clearly G_d’s choice and so it should be yours too. That having been said, you may also want to consider voting for Kumah because “It sends a great message that people are excited about the Aliyah Revolution!”

Best Jewish Culture Blog
OrthoMom is kicking butt in this category – who knew local school board issues are such a popular cultural… uh… thing? But, whatever! Just being nominated makes you a winner!

Best Pro-Israel Advocacy Blog
How does one even begin to decide how to vote here? There are so many choices – from perennial favorite cartoon Dry Bones, to right-wing Arutz Sheva columnist Michael Freund, to right-win Palestinianbaby eater Jameel at the Muqata (kidding – he’s actually a nice guy), to the right-wing Aliyah revolutionaries at Kumah, to our pal Aussie Dave at Israellycool and more! Well, sheesh. How are we supposed to compete? I can’t even tell you who to vote for because they are all sooo awesome!

Best Slice of Life in Israel Blog
You’d think our endless posts extolling the virtues of quality hummus, shakshuka and hot Israeli babes in either army uniforms or ankle length skirts would make us a shoo-in here, but apparently… not so much. People want to read about Palestinian baby eating recipes and cooking techniques (via Jameel), or whatever happens to be on David Bogner’s mind in the morning or whatever. What’s clear is that no one gives a crap about our holier than thou, Jerusalem-Anglo centric perspective on… anything. I didn’t vote for Jewlicious and neither should you!

So that’s a wrap up of the action in the categories we got nominated in. Voting ends on Wednesday so go and check out all the categories today! There’s some serious talent out there – ok, there are also some serious omissions – you know who you are. Maybe after all this JIB madness we’ll do something about that, but for now, uh… enjoy?

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About the author


Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.


  • Clearly there is a house-bound computer geek who has figured out a way to rig the voting because I’m not even that interested in what I write in the morning.

    You guys rock!

  • So the words “pussy” and “whipped” don’t go through at the same time? I’ll remember that the next time I want to blog about cats and dessert toppings.

    I’ll try to learn to censor myself, in the meanwhile…Baruch Hashem for the spam filter.

  • I didn’t censor any comments and sadly I didn’t see the comments TM was talking about. Oh well…

  • That’s cool ck, since the Mormons copied polygamy from us anyway and Kelsey says that Yonah Shimmel ships to Provo. That being the case, I voted for you guys (now, do i get to see the censored comments, puh-leeeeeeze).

  • C., I have no idea what that was about but two of your comments, as per your request, were never posted because they were in the spam filter. They are now deleted. Although they were funny as hell. 😉

  • Hey David. Thanks for visiting Jewlicious. You know that we don’t qualify for JIB Awards. We tell the organizers every year, and every year we get nominated anyway. See, we’re not Jewish. We’re Mormons. With Jew envy. You can’t get a good Kernartzel in Utah and forget schmaltz and chopped liver and herring. Sure we have polygamy but that gets tired pretty quickly. But yeah… you guys rule. You have my vote!

  • CK, your super subtle / positively persuasive/ covertly provocative pieces are perfectly profound, utterly hilarious, snarky caring( I looooove snarky caring) and so many other fun things.

    From the bitterness and voidism of banalism to the culinary mystique of jewsquire to finding the spiritual g spots for mating and marriage in jew q to pointing out the meritorious merits of beyondbt (they really have good stuff), you definitely have the perfect iridescent array of opining/pining/perspectives/directives /suggestions and blog preferences.

    Its sort of like downing that perfect all encompassing basically balanced in the long run alcoholic concoction of adderall/green apple smirnoff/vanilla absolut/red bull/fruity wine/watermelon pucker/blue wave and strawberry smirnoff smoothies all night until dawn arrives all decked out in a think pink sunrise ( w/o the hangover). Theres nothin like a well balanced life.

  • Guys, the 2% or so of Beyond Teshuvah that is not L’shem Shamayim is humor (which apparently is missing here since you took that post seriously). The least you could do is put in an effort to find the humor (as lame as it may be). After all, it took us nearly six hours to get permission from our “daunting number” of rabbinic advisers to employ humor on our very, very serious blog.

    BTW, I must admit that this post definitely takes the Gold for the Best Passive-Agressive cry for JIB votes. (Sorry, another attempt at humor, boy, you get us BTs going and we just can’t stop, huh?)