Trip with us

Next Thursday, Taglit-birthright israel, Oranim and Jewlicious will be sending 38 young Jews to Israel for a free 10-day trip. As usual we’ll be blogging the trip for your pleasure and edification. This time around we’re going to try and get some of the trip participants to write guest posts but as you know, it’s a crazy hectic schedule…

free trip to israel with jewliciousThis will be like the 8th birthright israel trip I’ve led. I’m sure it’ll be fun and exhausting but I so do always look forward to re-living my first time in Israel as an adult through the eyes of my trip participants. This time around, lets try and make this experience a bit more interactive. Feel free to ask questions of the participants. I will relay all questions and comments and we’ll try to get live responses. I also have an idea for a video… stay tuned!

birthright israel
this trip is a gift from Taglit-birthright israel.

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About the author


Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.


  • For all who care, CK just called to say that the plane was taking off soon–I wished him a nesiah tovah from all of us, and told him to post when he gets a chance, and I’m sure he will. I mean, I saw the dude posting videos at the birthright mega-event, so safe to say he’ll be back online in a flash…

  • Sderot? I wish. Taglit-birthright israel would in all likelihood not allow such a thing… for security purposes.