And we all remember the Kabbalah Water craze, and are of course aware that there’s something called “holy water” that the Catholics use in their church rituals. But if you’re a purist and want to drink holy water (even though, as Beliefnet blogger Donna Freitas notes, this is sacrilege), your beneficent beverage should be a product of the Batmanesquely named Wayne Enterprises, Holy Drinking Water (, Batman!).
But if the concept of drinking holy water makes your innards sizzle (in a bad way), try the gentler Spiritual H20, which brings holiness to personal hydration and provides faith with an energy boost, in formulas like Energy, Control, Refresh, Essential, Strength and Power. Plus, collectible labels featuring Jesus in various inspiring poses.
Which brings me to my original idea. Let’s put all the waters on a table and let them duke it out in what will become known as 2007’s Holy Water Bowl (, Batman!).
Story for you: Anyone see this week’s Best Buy circular? There are repeated “Happy Hannukah” messages and pictures of a couple with a kid, the kid and the man having photoshopped kipot.
Maybe it’s me, but I don’t see someone opening their robe to expose a beating heart making me thirsty.
Also, I would think ‘not’ recycling would help Jesus come back sooner.
Finally, I have known many who have wished even I were resurrected and risen again.
I think that for this company, they refer to the recycled bottles as having been “resurrected.” Or “risen again.” I’m not sure which is funnier.
Sarah, thanks. I can literally say “I did not know that.”
Plus, collectible labels featuring Jesus in various inspiring poses.
My favorite part is the message on the back of the bottle that says “You can help Jesus come back when you recycle this container”
I go for incense flavoured one.
Seriously though, “holy water” (rather, consecrated water) is used in several Christian sacraments (seven for Catholics, two for Protestants) and symbolizes purification as in spiritual cleansing (by the help of the Holy Spirit according to Christian belief). Anyhow, I shouldn’t be going into the details of sacramental theology, but indeed, using “holy water” for any other than its intended purpose can be sacrilegeous just as nobody in their right mind and with a decent sense of respect would use, let’s say, tefillin as a dog leash.