Sorry. I just had to use the Squirrelizer. Are there even squirrels in Trieste? Find out yourself!

Sorry. I just had to use the Squirrelizer. Are there even squirrels in Trieste? Find out yourself!

Everything I know about hospitality I learned from my Dad. We always had big holiday dinners. Actually, we still have big holiday dinners… and they’re great! Mom puts out a spread that seems to include every conceivable kosher animal available as well as multiple veggie/vegan options for my sister Tiff and me. All the family is there, my other sisters, their significant others, cousins, nephews, aunts uncles and assorted guests. We get back from the synagogue and sit at the beautifully set dinner table, and when it’s a full house, I look over at my Dad and I swear this usually stoic man is verily glowing as he surveys the scene. Glowing!

See, polite guests generally thank us for our hospitality, but really? That’s nonsense. What I learned from my Dad was that when guests come to our home, they are honoring us by deeming us worthy of hosting them. Our table, food and company are all good enough for them to partake of. And that’s what makes my dad glow with joy and pride. Guests are never made to feel like they are imposing – it’s never an imposition, it’s an honor.

I’m sharing this with you because lately I’ve been thinking of the notion of hospitality and what it means to the Jews. This thanks to a contest, Tweet Yourself to the WeekEnd of Your Dreams In Trieste, Italy, that we are helping promote that asks you to think and tweet about hospitality – and the prize? A free trip to the Italian city of Trieste, Italy where the winner will be the VIP guest of the local Jewish community for three days. Pretty much all expenses paid! Sweet right? And so easy! More info after the bump!

From the press release/Web site:

WeDoCare is a nonprofit association dedicated to promoting hospitality and fostering cultural tolerance- ‘knowing and welcoming the other’. On the 5-6 of September 2009, we have joined the Jewish community of the city of Trieste in Northern Italy in a celebration of hospitality. Over the weekend we will be holding multi-denominational religious rites, public lectures and musical performances as well as hosting guests from Europe and around the world… We are inviting the online community to join us as well, as we live-broadcast the event during the entire weekend. We want to spread the word and we need your help! Our twitter contest may win you a full airfare, accommodation and absolute VIP treatment in Trieste, Italy where you can also enjoy all the festivities of our event.

So read the pretty straight forward rules regarding this contest that is open to anyone who can travel to Italy and tweets about hospitality. Winners will be participating in this cool Festival, co-hosted by the Jewish community of in Italy and staying in a fantastic 1st class hotel. Follow WeDoCare’s twitter feed to keep in touch with contest details including the announcement of winners!

Good luck to all!

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About the author


Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.


  • Muffti has had dinner chez CK’s family and it is an incredible experience in all dimensions – especially culinary! He’s never seen CK’s dad glow, however.

    It wasn’t nearly as eye-opening, however, as going to CK’s synagogue’s massive near-fist fight at which a shul meeting almost broke out.

  • Yeah. No. Not so much. Ta’ami sells meat Humus which Harry often orders. Never had it.

  • Ah, I see. Well, that leaves more steak for the rest of us. And I know it is ok because Pat Robertson and I had a conversation with the almighty and he said that cows are made for people to eat.

    And then he promised that if that nice governor in Florida keeps sending notes to the Kotel there won’t be any more of them big fancy hurricanes.

    P.S. There is an incredible meat based chumus that you have got to try.

  • Jack: No. I am what they now call pescatarian (“It’s ok to eat fish cuz they don’t have any feelings…”) meaning I eat fish but no meat of any kind. My sister, soon to be Dr. Tiff PhD is the vegan.

    I hope you’re all participating in this wicked cool contest!