Look, Rabbi Yonah and ck are hard at work with Tanya and others preparing what looks to be an incredible 6.0. Sadly, TheMiddle can’t be there, but he knows from previous Jewlicious Festivals that they’re incredibly exciting events that bring young (and less young) Jews together in a fantastic weekend that is not like anything else you’ve ever seen.

The preparations for Jewlicious festivals run like clockwork thanks to the efforts of Rabbi Yonah, his wife Rachel Bookstein, our hard-working ck (David Abitbol) and the crew helping them from Long Beach Hillel and JConnectLA. I’ve seen them do it in the past and I’m sure this year is no different.

As they go through the process of putting the festival together, with its numerous attendees, hosts, guests, musicians, comedians and sponsors, the place runs like a factory. Everyone knows their roles, and everybody takes their work very seriously, showing absolute commitment and dedication to the festival and its success.

Needless to say, they also have a ton of fun.

So, when somebody emailed me this video earlier today, I realized that it represented a very different reality than the behind-the-scenes going on right as they prepare Jewlicious 6.0.

Very different.

Here’s the link one more time. Again, I remind you all that this is nothing like the preparations for Jewlicious 6.0. Not even close.

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