Day Of Kabbalah comes to LA! Featuring world renowned scholars and teachers – a rare opportunity not to be missed! JConnectLA, in collaboration with Rabbi Naftali Citron, The Carlebach Shul, NYC, and other local groups will be hosting a day-long retreat into mystical Jewish teachings — no strings attached. We will not be selling any Kabbalah day water or strings. This is just great learning and teachers, and a laid back pace.
The events is co-Hosted by Rabbi Naftali Citron, The Carlebach Shul, NYC, who started the Day of Kabbalah program in NYC almost ten years ago. The event is also co-sponsored by J-Insider, and the Happy Minyan.
Confirmed teachers include—
Rabbi Naftali Citron, The Carlebach Shul, NYC
Daniel Matt, Author and world famous translator of Zohar
Dr. Raphael Kellman, author of Matrix Healing
Rabbi Yonah Bookstein, Rabbi & Director, JConnectLA
David Sacks, Writer & Happy Minyan Educator
Marcus J. Freed, Creator of Bibliyoga
Rabbi Shlomo and Oliva Schwartz
More TBA soon!
Topics include: Meditation and Kabbalah, How can Kabbalah Can Set You Free, Kabbalah of Health and Healing, Kabbalah of Dating, Death and Beyond- Reincarnation And The Afterlife, Angels and Demons, Kaballah inspired session of Bibliyoga, and more.
The Day of Kabbalah will offer beginner or advanced learner’s track, and multiple sessions will occur simultaneously throughout the day. Complimentary refreshments will be served kosher box lunches will be available for purchase.
Registration and Bagels 11a
Classes & Sessions 11:30a – 5p
Wine Reception 5-6p
$180 Sponsor, $45 Door, $40 Pre-Register, $25 – subsidized, $20 Students 18-26
Bag lunchs available for purchase
Scholarships Available.
Co-Sponsored by The Happy Minyan, LA Jewish Blue Print, J-Insider