See Tel Aviv and the rest of Israel for free this winter!
Pretty simple yo!
It’s been quite a notable week thus far, to say the least. All kinds of things happening, all sorts of commemorations, Rosh Hashana around the corner. Whew. And of course Taglit-Birthright Israel has been a part of that craziness as well. See, we are in the midst of the bi-annual registration season. Today registration for the Winter season of Taglit-Birthright Israel begins in earnest. So if you’re Jewish, between the ages of 18-26 and have never been on a group/peer trip to Israel, you can register starting today and sooner than you think, you might be on your way to Israel – for free!
Who Should I go with?
Birthright Israel trips are actually run by a number of trip providers, each of whom have been vetted by Birthright. Our favorite trip provider, thanks to a heartwarming incident this summer, is award-winning Yael Adventures. You can find out more about them on their aptly named Web site freeisraeladventures.com and you can register to go on their trip RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!
Get off this Web site
Jewlicious will always be here for you. The opportunity to go to Israel with Taglit-Birthright Israel and Yael? That comes with a time limit bucko. So get off Jewlicious. Get off of Facebook, twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr whatever. Just register now! And hopefully, we’ll see you in Israel this Winter break. Go already, your free trip to Israel may be just a few mouse clicks away…
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have always wanted to go to israel and visit the sites friends have and how it changed their life after their visit there!