It’s close to 6 am and it has been a long and strange day indeed. We went rafting down the Jordan River where our fellow rafters were a small microcosm of Israeli society – VOIP company employees out on a corporate outing, kids from and Arab high school, girls from the Bnot Sarah Girls seminary, us etc. etc. One sweet thing about that was that no matter who you are, CEO, yeshivah girl, Arab kid, your raft comes near mine, I WILL soak you. We were also on the Golan Heights where we studied the geophysical realities surrounding Israel’s existence and we learnt how to play the darbuka (bongo drum) from one of Israel’s foremost Darbuka players.

We’re going to have a fun day today which will include a dip in some really nice spring waters and will cullminate in an evening of Jerusalem’s finest underground hip hop acts.

Here are some random photos from the day before:

This is one of our trip participants at a lookout over the Bahai temple and Haifa Bay.

Kosher?This is Michael

from Kosher Eucharist making a funny face at Caesaria. Michael was on Israel Radio today talking about how his trip is going thusfar. Anyone catch that?

Random TorahThis is from the random Torah party/parade that wound its way past our Hotel in Netanya on our first night in Israel. It was whackier than how it apears here.

First SettlerAt Caesaria we also saw our first anti-disengagement settler. Here he is wearing a hat that says “A Jew does not expel a Jew.” The hat is orange and the color orange, once associated with citrus products, is now the official color of the anti-disengagement movement. This guy was in Caesaria, perhaps in order to commune with Rabbi Akiva who was executed there by the Romans. I had to explain to a couple of our trippers why they were getting strange looks whenever they wore their Syracuse University Orangemen basketball shorts.

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Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.

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