Muffti is always suspicious about how the MSM presents things but if they have this one right, it’s rpetty scary. The UN boldly takes a few more steps towards irrelevance by pushing an ‘anti-blasphemy’ resolution — which would protect religions from criticism. Muffti tried to find the text of the infamous resolution 62/145 but the UN site doesn’t link to it (Muffti isn’t the only one to have this problem…).
This is just sad, though Muffti is annoyed that he can’t seem to find a copy of the text (there is a resolution 62/145 that he did find but it is about mercenaries. If anyone can post the text please do. In the meantime, here is grumpy old Lou Dobbs and Chris Hitchens bantering over the resolution.
UPDATE: The text can be found here. Thanks to themicah!
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Ephraim – what a story.
Both my grandfathers were caught up in the socialism of their generation. One was a Bundist, the other in the garment unions.
Now Russia is smoldering, and I chuckle over this with my Soviet-emigre coworkers, in a high-rise building in Tel-Aviv.
My mom is the oldest of a string of baby-boomer cousins – liberal New York Jews. I’m sure every one of them voted Obama.
She and my father stopped drinking the KoolAid in the early 70s and eventually became Orthodox. As time has passed, the boomers’ have lost a bit of their swagger, and their questions have become more respectful.
Pressure has to begin immediately to persuade liberal democracies to pursue international governance through an alternative forum into which only they are allowed membership. A juridical body will be set up in order to determine whether the criteria for what constitutes liberal democracy have been met – based largely on definitions issued by Freedom House – for a member state to gain and maintain membership. The alternative is a continued descent into madness and the continuing, inflated prominence of retarded, thin-skinned clerics over global politics.
An unbiased, sturdy body for determining membership is essential. Every club’s got to have standards. The OIC undoubtedly maintains influence by appealing to their own retrograde standards. Membership in an alternative organization needs to rest on appeals to our own standards or else people will continue giving undue “respect” to the organization whose claim to consistency, no matter how arbitrary, provides a sense of political and social security that the democracies are apparently not collectively providing. Until the free world collectively defines and defends its own standards, the OIC will continue having too much clout. And the only way to do this is through an alternative organization with standards for membership that are strict enough to provide a sense of value among member states so strong that it engenders a sense of pride in what it means to be a member nation.
The UN of today is quite important. They serve as a reminder that the offspring of Amelek is still threatening us.
Wow, I’d have thought Western commie types would’ve gotten off the Moscow bus well before ’68. An amazing story.
That is one great story. Muffti is for the brotherhood of man, an end to racism and oppression…and socialist pancake breakfast sound delicious.
But, yeah, defenses of oppressive regimes extending their reach through invasion could turn Muffti off even a pretty girl, never mind a political view.
They were, actually. But their courage didn’t rub off on me, unfortunately. I talk big, but I’m a coward, pretty much.
The ideals my father believed in may have turned out, in the end, not to be what he thought they were (my parents left the Party sometime in the 50s), but he sacrificed his material comfort for something he believed in. I don’t think I know anyone else who has done that. For him, Communism really meant the brotherhood of man, justice for the workers, equality of all men, an end to racism and oppression, freedom from want and tyranny; you know, all that Woodie Guthrie, Pete Seeger, socialist summer camp, Ban the Bomb idealism (I grew up at Ban the Bomb rallies and socialist pancake breakfasts).
And the Left hates the Jews now. I still can’t get over it. Politically, I’m an orphan. It really makes me sad, in a way. I really can’t relate to most of my family now.
I remember the exact moment the world changed. It was in 1968, and one of my cousins was ardently (no, rabidly) defending the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, saying the Russians had to do it to protect “the Revolution”. I had my epiphany, and I just checked out. I couldn’t take any of it seriously after that.
We love you all the same, E. And your family seems to have been pretty brave and bold.
They did good things once, but no more. Whatever good they might do is overshadowed by the active evil they spread in the world. Without the UN and the slavish, blind devotion of otherwise intelligent people to an idea and an institution that has long since outlived its usefulness, evil organizations like the OIC or whatever it is would be forced to spread their poison on their own dime.
My father was a card-carrier and was blacklisted by HUAC. He couldn’t work for years. The FBI would follow him around and every time he got a job the FBI would let his employer know and he would be out on his ass. He was a locally well-known radio announcer in SF when I was a kid and is still a local hero for people old enough to remember him. He was called before the Committee, told them to go fuck themselves, was carried out on the shoulders of a cheering crowd, and the radio station fired him the next day. He was indicted and I remember worrying that he was going to be sent to prison, but the case was thrown out.
My grandfather was a Communist, a union organizer, and a civil rights worker in Birmingham, Alabama in the 30s and 40s. He was involved in running the school where Rosa parks was trained in civil disobedience techniques. He was kidnapped and brutally beaten by union-busting thugs and the Klan burned a cross on his lawn while he was not at home (but the rest of the family was). My grandmother tried to put it out by carrying water from the house in her monogrammed sterling silver water pitcher.
My cousin died just recently, and the whole crowd at his memorial was as red as you can imagine, reminiscing about solidarity with the Sandanistas and what not.
So, yeah, I’m a disgrace to the family heritage.
Muffti thinks that perhaps Lou is trying to make himself look better by putting on other chubby white men (like Floyd Abrams, the constitutional lawyer).
Ephraim, Muffti gets your sentiment (and is interested to learn that you were raised by commies!) He thinks that the UN does good things as well and it would be a shame to sacrifice those by sheer bulldozing. But point well taken.
Muffti’s got guru-potential.
Hitchens writes books, Muffti writes posts and will eventually write books. There’s the difference.
Why won’t Dobbs put on Muffti? What, is Hitchens better- looking?
I think they should pass this – just to shut up Chutzpah.
What’s that you say? Only SOME religions will be extended the protections of political correctness?
I should have known.
I agree whole-heartedly with Ephraim and couldn’t have said it better (or more colorfully!) had I tried.
A tad imbalanced I dare say.
It’s 62/154 (not 62/145). Note this is a PDF file.
Muffti, I was brought up by a couple of Communists for whom the UN was the acme of human development: a forum of all the nations of the world where problems could be settled amicably in a spirit of socialist brotherhood and the depredations of the US capitalist system on the developing nations of the world could be ameliorated and held in check, and even rolled back.
Funny how it turned out that the supposed victims of the US turned out to be even worse.
The UN is a den of thugs, genocidaires, dictators, theocracies, racist anti-Semites and, generally the dregs of humanity, where the West is expected to treat people like Chavez, Assad, Mugabe, Ghaddafi, and McChimpy Imadinnerjacket as though they were actually civilized people who run nations worthy of respect.
Well, they’re not. They’re garbage. The US owes them nothing but the back of our hand. They contaminate our country with their presence, and they should be run out of town on a rail.
Muffti thinks that solution is a bit extreme. But he certainly understands where the sentiment comes from.
I agree with Dobbs and Hitchens. Bulldoze the motherfucker and let the UN set up shop in Riyadh or Khartoum. The US shames itself by continuing to be a member of such a cesspool.
The building could be turned into something useful, like a homeless shelter.