… but not Jerusalem? The Jerusalem Post reports today how the Ministry of Tourism is using...
Author - ck
Another Film about Terrorists and Vengeance?
MOT Sergey Brin and Larry Page of Google fame are the executive producers of an independent film...
Final night of Hanukkah
Thanks for allowing us to share our Hannukah with you. Beit Hillel sure had it right, if only...
2005 Jewish Israel Blog Awards
It’s that time of the year again… welcome to the 2005 Jewish Israeli Blog Awards. Last...
Days 6 and 7
Sorry I couldn’t get day 6 up on time – but given that you have to light your candles...
Hate Site of the Weak #6 – A Jewlicious Prank!
I’m sure it comes as no surprise to many that I am a bit of a geek. One of the more annoying...