In a stunning development, the United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly against...
Author - ck
Madonna Esther sings in Yiddish! (?) reports that Madonna Esther “recently sang two songs in Yiddish at a...
Slow and Low, that is the Tempo
One of the things that comes to mind when one thinks of Argentina is its national dance, the Tango...
Noam is Jewlicious
Meet Noam Abraham, my new nephew. Adorable huh? So before his bris, I emailed his Mom, my sister...
Musa Arafat, a “low dwarf”
Yasser Arafat rescinded his appointment of his Nephew, Musa Arafat, as overall commander of...
Rabbi Fuddy Duddy
I’ve always had the most profound respect for Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, the writer of Kosher Sex...